Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stranger With A Camera

1. Hugh O'Connor's daughter found peace with her fathers death because she came to realize and understand the reasoning behind the shooters motive. She definitely had an open mind about the situation as she grew older and learned to forgive. I'm not completely sure that I would feel the same way. Although I like to think I have an open mind too, it's different when it happens to your own family.
2. I honestly don't believe that a visual image can be powerful enough to bring about change. It may make people think and wonder and remain in disbelief or awe, but only for as long they watch/look at this visual image. It depends on the individual and how strongly they feel about a subject. There are some that can watch Stranger With A Camera and be stuck thinking about it for however long, and others that can forget about it and go on with their lives. It takes a strong and very talented filmmaker to leave people with lingering thoughts about a social issue or sensitive subject.
3. Colin Low's statement refers to the camera as being a weapon of destruction. He believes it can hurt people by invading their privacy and exposing things they don't want others to see. A camera can shoot into a persons life and reveal everything for everyone to see. Photographers/filmmakers can be sure to get consent from whoever it is that they are filming so that they are aware.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


1. How important was social class in Iran during the time of the revolution?

2. Were other children as involved in the goings-on as Marji?

3. How much time passed, if any, before Marji saw her family again? And if she did, did they come to America or did she go back to Iran?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


My definition of identity is the distinctiveness of ones self. It is truly unique because there will always be something different (no matter how big or little) between each persons. Some people may have the exact same name but come from totally different backgrounds. Identical twins are also a good example. Although two people can look exactly the same, they each carry their own separate character.
I see myself as an individual who is not completely sure of who she is yet. Although I must say that I have come a long way since my earlier years when I was just a shy, quiet girl whose personality didn't really show. I'm not sure if it was high school, or just my experiences through the ages of thirteen through seventeen that helped me on my way to realize who I am. I have changed every year, no doubt about it. No matter if it is a new style of glasses, new hair color, new pant size, new way of thinking-anything. All these changes are vital in determining an identity. Before high school though, I'd say I was raised pretty well. I like to think of myself as respectful and smart when it comes to knowing what is right and wrong. I can still be quiet sometimes but not so much shy. I can say what is on my mind when I'm with only one or a few other people. I see myself as someone who is level-headed and plays it cool all the time. I've still got years to grow and experience and therefore I think my identity, as well as others' are ever changing.
I hate when people say that they don't care what others think of them because I know a small part of them does. You can tell when a person says that if they actually mean it or if they are just pretending for the sake of coming off as nonchalant. I can't say for sure how others see me, but i can try to guess and go off of what others have told me when they first met me. I think I seem like a girl who mostly keeps to herself but can be pretty interesting. One of my friends had actually said I look like I'd be "too cool" to talk to, which I don't agree with. But how others see me has absolutely nothing to do with who I really am, most of the time. It doesn't sway me to become what they would expect I would be. I will admit that I do care what certain people think of me, especially my family and friends even though they would love me no matter what.