Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Syllabus Questions

From reading about what the different units will include, it seems a little like sociology. Will we also learn about different theories and perspectives of different experts in that field?

"When one person is missing, the entire class suffers." Why is that?

1 comment:

  1. 1. The study of culture is addressed by many kinds of scholars in the humanities and social sciences. There is a lot of overlap between sociology, history, anthroplogy, cultural studies, critical theory, etc. We will learn from experts, but the class is mostly about cultivating our voice as amateur philosophers who happen to have a lot to share from our own life experiences, and also learning from others.

    2. Every voice in this class is important. You are learning from others by listening. Live embodied interaction is important for discussion to succeed. You are also someone who will share knowledge with the class. When one person is not there, the dynamic changes, and voices are missing from the diverse mix.
